Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI)
The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is a fully functioning case management tool and an assessment that measures the risk and need factors of late adolescent and adult clients. This single application provides all the essential tools needed to aid criminal justice professionals with treatment planning for and management of clients in justice, forensic, correctional, prevention, and related settings. Ten additional comprehensive sections have been incorporated to further assist criminal justice professionals in their analysis of client assessment.
Key Features of the LS/CMI are:
Combines risk assessment and case management in one convenient evidence-based system
Tool's process and algorithm are transparent
Provides all the essential tools needed to aid criminal justice professionals in treatment planning for and management of clients in justice, forensic, correctional, prevention, and related settings
Assesses the rehabilitation needs of clients, their risk of recidivism, and the most relevant factors related to supervision and programming requirements
Focuses on client strengths and is gender-informed
Click to learn more about the adult
and youth versions of the CMI