As of October 1, 2019, Polygraph Services of Wisconsin, LLC has partnered with Forte Investigations, LLC.

Rick McHugh
Formerly of Polygraph
Services of Wisconsin LLC.
"I am proud to join the Forte Investigations team. 20+ years and 5000+ exams in the polygraph industry has taught me there are three important things a good examiner must do. First, be highly skilled and remain current with advances in the field. Second, use quality equipment that is maintained and calibrated regularly for accuracy. Finally, educate the client about polygraph to ensure the best experience. Paul Hyland and I promise to provide these three things with every polygraph we do." - Rick McHugh

Owner Paul Hyland
What We Do
Mission Statement

Support Wisconsin's criminal defense attorneys in serving their clients accused of a crime, being sentenced for a criminal conviction, or facing the revocation of community supervision. This is accomplished through an array of services that includes polygraph testing, evidence-based assessments & inventories, and Alternative Pre-Sentence Investigations. All research thoroughly examines a client's personal and documented history, DOC assessments/recommendations, support systems, and mitigating factors which culminate in an individualized and compassionate sentencing recommendation, grounded in restorative justice values.
To learn more about the concepts of Restorative Justice please click on our logo below:
Forté Investigations LLC. is always looking for ways to respond to the diverse needs of Wisconsin's criminal defense attorneys. Services now include the following:
- Alternative Pre-Sentence Investigations: Click Here
- Focused Sentencing Memorandum (FSM): Click Here
- ATR/Revocation Hearing Investigations: Click Here
- Client Preparation for State's PSI Interview/COMPAS Evaluation: Click Here
Certified to conduct the following assessments:
- Sex Offense Risk Assessment (STATIC 99-R) with Court Report: Click Here
- Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS): Click Here
- Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) Assessment with Court Report: Click Here
- Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI): Click Here
- Public Safety Assessment (PSA): Click Here
- Have a need not listed? Please Click Here to see if we can help.

Pre-Sentence Investigations, Polygraph exams, Behavioral Assessments, Focused Sentencing Memorandum, ATR Investigations